
Ardent Roleplay
For Game Masters

Unlock Your Growing Collection of Immersive AR Miniature Models

Using Ardent For The First Time

GM Components

Ardent Roleplay | GM Creation Kit

Creation Kit - Desktop App

Create and customise your own AR Encounters into Campaigns and Sessions using the Creation Kit desktop app. Allocate AR models to cards at your own choosing. Break down your AR encounters into possible states, reveals and outcomes.

Ardent Roleplay | Mobile App

GM Mode - Mobile App

Manage the flow of your Session during gameplay using the GM Mode control screen within the mobile/tablet App. This is where you can select individual players during a Session and decide what information or view you would like to reveal to them in AR.

Ardent Roleplay | Encounter Cards

Encounter Cards

Use the thematic Ardent Roleplay cards as AR markers for the Encounters you create in the Creation Kit. Lay them on the tabletop where you would like players to see the AR models, or have players view the card images on another screen if playing remotely.

Free GM Features

Connected Parties

Connect with your party online using a unique campaign code. Play campaigns you prepared on Creation Kit, or play one of our free Pre-made Campaign Adventures. Play face to face or remotely.

Prepare Your Campaign and Sessions

Use our Creation Kit to create your own campaigns and sessions. Select AR models from our catalog. Prepare sessions with Free or Premium models, however you will need a subscription to host Sessions with any premium content.

Enhance Immersion For Your Players

Have your players explore animated settings with environmental effects. Interact with animated objects, NPCs and creatures. Get started with our selection of free AR models or copy our Pre-made Campaign Adventures.

Individual Information

Choose what your players see and when, to create a unique experience for each party member. Only one player may have succeeded the perception check, so you can choose to only reveal the trap to that player.

Show Status Effects

Choose when to show that a party member is On Fire, Charmed, Poisoned, Frozen, Confused... Players will see the status of their characters in real time in AR while they view a Party card.


Privately message with your players. Either as GM or create your own aliases for more immersive gameplay.

Compatible With All TTRPG Systems

Explore our catalog to find AR models that suit your needs, no matter what system you are playing with. More genres and content will be added on a regular basis so check back to see what's new!

Subscribe to unlock even more features

Access All AR Models

Receive access to all AR models during your subscription, with new content packs and add-ons released monthly

Collect Content

Keep access to any content that released during the month in which you subscribed.

Host Sessions That Include Premium Content

Subscribe to host Sessions you have prepared which include any premium content

Access all Player Subscription Content

Access all premium player Character models

Subscribe in App
to unlock your 30 days FREE Trial

Using Ardent For The First Time As GM

See AR models in action now!

Go to 'Mini Mode'
from the main menu

Select a Mini Set
& Press 'Begin'

Choose 'On Screen'
& Scan the cards below!