The Haunting is a scenario for new Keepers and Investigators from Chaosium‘s free Call of Cthulhu Quick Start guide.
Ardent Roleplay has an adventure bundle of augmented reality miniatures set up specifically for this scenario. You can watch our trailer here, and lower down the page is some information for Keepers on how to access the models to run the scenario, what models are included, and a link to a more detailed document describing The Haunting on Ardent Roleplay.
Ardent Roleplay Cards
If you are playing remotely, you will need a set of Ardent Roleplay cards. We have free Print and Play cards you can download or view in an image gallery, or you can purchase a set at DriveThruRPG. The Haunting scenario uses the Cthulhu Print and Play suit, and some of the cards from the High Fantasy Print and Play suits.
There are six free Cthulhu character models available in the Ardent Roleplay app. The Professor, the Dilettante, and the Private Investigator, in two body morphologies each. To prepare for your session of The Haunting, you can go into Characters in the mobile app, press Create New Character, and filter on Cthulhu and set up the character you’ll play.

Investigators please don't read any further!
The rest of this page is for your Keeper. We really do recommend you don’t read anymore on this page. You want to get the full effect on game night, don’t you?
Adding this free adventure bundle
To access the adventure bundle in the Ardent Roleplay mobile app:
- Switch to the GM mode
- Press the Quill & Scroll icon for changing campaigns and sessions
- Hit the Change button under the Campaign
- Hit “Pre-Made Campaigns”
- Select “Call of Cthulhu: Haunting”
- Add Campaign
You can rename this as you wish here, or later in the Creation Kit desktop app.
Ardent Roleplay Cards
Included miniatures
- Corbitt’s House
- Ground Floor, Room 1, A Storage Room
- GF, Room 2, A Second Storage Room
- GF, Room 3, The Mud Room
- GF, Room 4, The Living Room
- GF, Room 5, The Dining Room
- GF, Room 6, Kitchen
- Upper Floor, Room 1, Main Bedroom
- UF, Room 2, Children’s Bedroom
- UF, Room 3, Spare Bedroom
- UF, Room 4, Bathroom
- Basement, Room 1, Storage
- B, Room 2, An Empty Storage Bin
- B, Room 3m, Corbitt’s Hidden Lair
- Handout 1, Envelope Package
- Handouts 2-8, Clippings Files
- Handout 9, Burnt Slip of Paper
- Corbitt’s Journal
- The Floating Knife
- Corbitt
- Rats
Call of Cthulhu is the Registered Trademark of Chaosium Inc., and is used with permission.