With access to the exclusive Werewolf AR model, you’ll be able to add a Werewolf encounter to any of your Ardent Roleplay sessions!
If you haven’t already, simply download the Ardent Roleplay Creation Kit to get started crafting the perfect adventure for your players. You’ll find guides to creating your first TTRPG AR Encounter as well as a user manual for the Creation Kit from the links above.
You’ve discovered a Cache of Sparks, the Ardent Roleplay digital currency! With Sparks, you’re able to purchase pre-made Adventures, content and character packs as well as non-renewing subscriptions.
To check your Sparks wallet, log into the Ardent Roleplay mobile app and visit the Store, where you can also find our Model Catalog that lists all the content available in Ardent Roleplay.
Call of Cthulhu is the Registered Trademark of Chaosium Inc., and is used with permission. RuneQuest is the Registered Trademark of Moon Design Publications and used with permission. www.chaosium.com